What are you doing in my lane!?

Chad Bozarth
2 min readMay 10, 2022


My car was carrying precious cargo, my wife and two kids. We were driving in two lane traffic headed back home from a weekend in Lubbock. The big vehicle in the other lane had left its lane and crossed over a little too far into ours. I hate those roads where there is oncoming traffic, moving at 75mph, just feet away from me. He quickly got back in his lane.

I was never worried. That vehicle was coming into my lane to avoid hitting an abandoned piece of tire that was on his side of the road. We were safe. I knew the driver was aware and would not hit us. I truly wasn’t worried. I could see the obstacle he was avoiding. I could see why he was coming into my lane. I was safe. My family was safe.

I could see his obstacle. Had I not seen his obstacle, I probably would have had some choice words come in my mind. I probably would have been scared, which would then have quickly led to anger, a quick impromptu prayer to Jesus, and perhaps a dangerous swerve of my own into who knows where? But I could see his obstacle. I wasn’t afraid, or angry, or any of that.

I find in myself a propensity to get upset a little too quickly when I feel someone is crossing over into my lane. Don’t these people know they should stay in theirs? Why are they being so reckless? Don’t they see I’m carrying precious cargo!? Why can’t everyone just stay in their lane? Maybe there’s something I don’t see. Maybe, just maybe, I’m not being threatened or attacked. Maybe there’s an obstacle I can’t see, and the quick little swerve has nothing to do with me. I’m glad that other guy didn’t hit the tire. That could have been bad for both of us. Real bad.



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